Building Your Website to Work for You: Part 1

Your website has great potential to work for you as well as a sales team if it is designed to work as one.

sales team shaking hands

Equip Your “Team” with the Right Tools

  • First of all, you’ll need a well-designed, professional website
  • Optimized for mobile devices
  • Optimized for the search engines
  • A fast website
  • Great content
  • Good quality images (preferably of your own products)
  • Security to provide your business and your visitors.

Basic Communication Tools that need to be in Place

  • Contact information either using forms or with phone number links at crucial places throughout your website.
  • A chat option is helpful for instant communication. JoinChat is a very simple chat box to install and configure. You can see how I set it up on my website’s home page. Scroll down the page and you’ll see it on the right.
  • A good CRM platform such as Zoho, Salesforce, or Oracle to keep track of visitors who interact in some way with your website.

Next Week:

Part 2 of Setting up Your Website to be Your Sales Team

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