Monday Morning Marketing
Using Mailing Lists to Create Awareness

by Jillian Stone

1. Develop a mailing list of email addresses so you can send out useful information your target market will find valuable. A well designed landing page will provide the vehicle for an opt in form that automatically adds visitors to your mailing list.

2. Once you have your landing page visible and you develop a mailing list, offer those on your list useful resources on topics your target market cares about. Don’t try to sell…just provide useful information.

3. By now, your question might be…but how do I get visitors to my landing page so I can build a mailing list? This is where social media and SEO comes in.

Post on social media daily and include a link to your landing page. More about posting on social media next week.

Make sure your landing page is optimized for the search engines. More about that in our March 11th mail.


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