Using SEO to Boost Traffic to your Website

Monday Morning Marketing

Using SEO to Boost Traffic to Your Site

This week we offer you tips to draw traffic to your landing pages and website by optimizing your website for the search engines (SEO)

  1. Make a list of words and phrases you want to rank for on search engines.

Do keyword researches online to determine which terms have high relevance and search volume.

Consider choosing terms with less competition.

Optimize the relevant pages by including the words and phrases on their content.

2. Metadata is used by search engines to determine the content of a page.

Your meta titles and meta descriptions must include relevant content and keyword phrases to move up your ranking.

3. Add Internal links to other pages on your website.

Identify keywords in your page and link them to pages with more content.

4. Optimize your website speed.

Google includes load speeds as ranking factors.

Optimize your images and videos before posting them on your site so they don’t need to be compressed or resized before displaying.

5. Be sure your website is mobile ready.

Learn more below about making your website mobile ready

What does it mean to make your website ready for the search engines?


1. Your website must be designed to be easily readable on your mobile phone.

This means your mobile optimized pages, when designed correctly, will resize themselves when viewed on a mobile phone rather than showing the entire website in one long image that no one can read.

2. Why is this Important?

Google considers this important in order for your website to rank higher in the search engines result pages (SERP) on mobile devices because more people are using their mobile devices to search for information and access the internet.

3. Google reports that 58% of all searches in Google are now done from mobile devices

Because of this trend, Google has now transitioned to a 100% mobile first index. This means that your website now needs to be designed from a mobile perspective rather than the desktop perspective. In other words, before designing your website to be optimized for the desktop; it’s more important to first design for the mobile device!

Next Week:

Reaching a Broader Audience with ADA Compliant Landing Pages


Using Social Media to Create Awareness

Monday Morning Marketing

Using Social Media to Create Awareness

by Jillian Stone

1. Decide what social media network is best for your target market and start posting here. You can always add more later. For example:

      • Facebook or Instagram work best for businesses who sell to consumers
      • LinkedIn or X (Twitter) work best for businesses selling to businesses

2. Post at least once a day and be sure to add a link to your landing page in the post. Be consistent. Remember building awareness takes time, so being visible on social media consistently is important.

For tips on WHAT to post check out our Facebook page and consider following us while you’re there.

3. Make sure your landing page is optimized for the search engines. More about that next week!


Using Mailing Lists to Create Awareness

Monday Morning Marketing
Using Mailing Lists to Create Awareness

by Jillian Stone

1. Develop a mailing list of email addresses so you can send out useful information your target market will find valuable. A well designed landing page will provide the vehicle for an opt in form that automatically adds visitors to your mailing list.

2. Once you have your landing page visible and you develop a mailing list, offer those on your list useful resources on topics your target market cares about. Don’t try to sell…just provide useful information.

3. By now, your question might be…but how do I get visitors to my landing page so I can build a mailing list? This is where social media and SEO comes in.

Post on social media daily and include a link to your landing page. More about posting on social media next week.

Make sure your landing page is optimized for the search engines. More about that in our March 11th mail.


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