Setting up Your Website to be Your 24-hour Sales Team | Part 7 | Buyers’ Personas

Setting up Your Website to be Your 24-hour Sales Team | Part 7 | Buyers’ Personas

Business owners know who their target market is, but how much do they know about them? For example, once they know about your business, what makes them want to purchase from your business versus the competition? What are their buying habits? How much are they willing to spend? Are they loyal or do they buy whatever’s on sale?

Without knowing more details about your customers, your OST can’t personalize the buying experience for them.

To determine this, you need to do research. What drives them to make a purchase and why? What methods of communication do they prefer? What challenges are they facing? What are their goals? What are their pain points?

Buyer’s Persona

Creating a Buyer’s Persona will help focus your efforts so you can guide them through the sales process on your website. The more you know about your prospects’ or customers’ buying habits, the better you can direct your OST to handle the customer relationship while they are on your website.

Consider who your best customer is. For example,

Small business owner?

  • Product provider?
  • Service provider?

Large company?

  • CEO?
  • Buyer for a large company?


  • Mom?
  • Dad?
  • Children?

What generation are you selling to?

Each generation responds differently to marketing efforts. Each generation consumes information differently; meaning each generation has their own communication preferences.

Before our OST can make the sale, they need this information so they can personalize marketing and sales for each buyer persona.

This is the first step in our conversion process. Before we can know what content and functionality we need on our OST website, we need to better understand our prospects and customers. After all, one of the reasons we exist is to provide a product or service that will make our customers’ life easier or assist them in making their business even more successful.

Join us in taking the important step of better understanding our prospects’ and customers’ needs and goals. We provide a free Buyers’ Persona template download for you by subscribing below.

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