Setting up Your Website to be Your 24-hour Sales Team | Part 8 | Arranging Your Content to Interest the Buyer

Setting up Your Website to be Your 24-hour Sales Team | Part 8 | Arranging Your Content to Interest the Buyer

Arranging Your Content to Interest your Visitor

If you completed your buyers’ persona, you may have a better understanding of who your customers are, what interests them, and how to communicate with them. This will make it is easier to understand what type of content you should add to your website to grab their attention.

When a customer visits a website, they want to see how you can help them versus seeing information that’s all about us and our credentials. While that’s important, they can go to the About Us page to get that information.

The question is, what do your customers want to see that will help them satisfy the need or want that they are searching for? If this information isn’t there, they will leave your website, your bounce rates will increase and they will go to your competitor.

So in a nutshell:

  • Know what your customers need or want
  • Does your homepage let them know how you can help them the moment they land there, or do they have to search for what they are looking for?
  • After your initial announcement about how you help your customers, do you provide information that further explains how what you sell can address their need?
  • Do you go on to explain and answer any potential questions they may have?
  • Do you have Call to Actions throughout the homepage?

Our Monday Morning Marketing page is an example of this process. You can download a marked up version of the live page to compare to the live site below.

Download an Example

We hope this will be helpful. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Setting up Your Website to be your 24-hour Sales Team | Part 10 Adding Contacts to your CRM

Setting up Your Website to be your 24-hour Sales Team | Part 10 Adding Contacts to your CRM

Part 10 | Setting up Your Website to be your 24-hour Sales Team

Getting Started | The Advantages of Adding Contacts to your CRM

Having all your customers’ information in one place and at your fingertips is not only efficient but it creates easy access to more personalized interactions in real time. No more going to the social media channel that they most frequently use to interact with them, risk reaching out to them based on an old post and finding their problem had already been taken care of (by someone else). With everything housed directly on your website, communication is quicker, easier and more regular which builds stronger relationships.

Data Driven Insights
With detailed records, you can provide valuable insights which help you make informed decisions about how to not only market to them, but how to provide better service to them by creating or finding a solution for their particular pain points.

Better marketing decisions
With all your contacts in one place you can begin to identify subgroups who are at different stages of the sales funnel which enables you to guide them through the funnel, potentially toward a purchase.

Tracking interactions
By tracking interactions you can identify where follow ups are needed and easily make the contact that guides them through the funnel to a purchase.

The Process of Entering Contacts into Your CRM

As mentioned last week, you can add contact to your CRM by manually entering them one by one, or by importing them from a csv file (typically created from a spreadsheet).  The CRM program you choose will provide instructions for adding and accessing your contacts so you can begin to use the program.

You might ask: Can’t I just use a spreadsheet to manage my contacts? Yes, of course. But the difference between using a spreadsheet and using a CRM lies in the name. CRM stands for  customer relationship management which is the reason for adding a CRM to your website…so you can develop relationships with a tool that has everything  in one place. It saves time and if it saves time, you will be more apt to develop relationships. And customer relationships are the key to growing your business.

The following information about managing contacts is gathered from a Jetpack CRM post. 

Finding your contacts
You can find your Jetpack CRM contact list in your WordPress Dashboard by going to Jetpack CRM > Contacts, or by going to Contacts > View All from the top menu on any Jetpack CRM admin page.

Your Jetpack CRM Contacts
The list gives you an overview of your contacts in the CRM. You can filter the contacts based on the tags you’ve set up and applied, run searches, and decide which columns you want to see in the list: The gear icon (Table options) at the top right opens up the Column Manager. This is where you can control which columns to show in the table.

Bulk Operations
There’s also the ability to add tags in bulk or remove tags. You can even delete your contacts in groups (if you want to prune your list for whatever reason)

Sorting Contacts
Contacts are automatically sorted by ID number. You can sort by other values by clicking the column heading title, which will sort contacts in descending order (Z-A). You can again click the column heading title to sort in ascending order (A-Z).

Setting up Your Website to be your 24-hour Sales Team | Part 9 Installing your CRM to Power Your OST

Setting up Your Website to be your 24-hour Sales Team | Part 9 Installing your CRM to Power Your OST

Part 9 | Setting up Your Website to be your 24-hour Sales Team

Installing your CRM to Power Your OST

A CRM is a Customer Relationship Manager and it has all the tools you’ll need to enable your website to act as an Online Sales Team (OST).

Below you can see a screenshot of the modules that are available to you to begin setting up your OST. From this page you can manage which core modules are enabled giving you ultimate control of the areas of your CRM that you plan to use or hide.

Notice, there is a module for quotes and invoices which enables you to generate quotes directly from your CRM and bill your customers directly from your CRM. The advantage of having all your business tools in one place is incredibly time saving.

Features at your fingertips

We chose to use Jetpack CRM on our WordPress websites, simply adding and activating the plugin.

Once activated, you are taken to a dashboard where you can add your contacts manually, or importing them using a CSV file. New customers will be automatically added to the list when they register or make an online purchase.

The CRM dashboard lets you see and analyze data and performance of your Online Sales Team in real time and it is simple to navigate and provides a wealth of information in real time including:

List of contacts

List of transactions, quotes and invoices

A Revenue Chart

A Sales Funnel (leads & customers)

A Task Scheduler

And many more useful data tools….

by Jillian Stone and Charles H. Castano

Next Week: Setting up Customers in Your CRM

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